Opinion - Part 1

Scripture Reading - Job 32:6 MKJV

And Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite answered and said, I am young, and you are very old; therefore I was afraid, and dared not show you my opinion.

In today’s lesson we will speak on the topic of “speaking your mind”. Using just one word to describe speaking your mind we will use the word “opinion”. It is said, “Opinions are like people they do change over time and they don’t have to make sense.” Yes, “opinions” are a part of every society because everyone has a certain “way of thinking” and that certain way of thinking can either be helpful to another person or hurtful to someone else. In today’s reference scripture we see an excerpt from the story of Job. In this conversation Elihu was trying to help Job but he waited until the elders spoke first. Unfortunately the aged men didn’t answer Job’s questions nor were they able to provide Job with a satisfactory explanation of why Job was going through such hardship and tragedy so their “opinions” (their counsel) was in vain. Now, not to be sidetracked by the reasoning behind why Job suffered such tragedy we are instead focusing on following exactly what Elihu did. Elihu displayed at least three godly traits that we (ihlcc) wish every Christian would follow because if we practice them there is a high probability that we will bring God on the scene. First, Elihu did not feel compelled to speak. There are always certain people in the world who just have to have something to say. Oh if men could just learn to be silent oh, happy day. We say this sarcastically but it is so true because people talk too much. Many people want to be heard so they speak aggressively and loudly to all those who will listen. Wanting to speak leads to always wanting to be heard and wanting to be heard just means the speaker is seeking attention, sounds a lot like what protesters do. Just like the spotlight is usually always on the announcer these talkative people feel a need to have the spotlight of men always upon them. We are persuaded to put and keep the spotlight on our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ His Son. We must purpose to keep our tongues on silent and generally speak only when spoken to or required to help another. Wisdom dictates that it is only those who speak less will hear more because they are actively listening with both ears open instead of listening to their own self speak. It is said that you already know what you know so give others a chance to help you learn something new. Secondly, Elihu waited on the right time to speak. This is right in God’s sight and man’s better judgment. It is unsavory to speak over men or women placed over you, we must remember they were promoted for a reason. Those who practice arguing with a leader are not wise because challenging an established authority figure causes division and strife, not just with men but also with God. Therefore we are encouraged to be slow to speak and quick to hear (listen) according to James 1:19. This means keeping your “opinion” to yourself the majority of the time and allowing speaking only a minimum amount of time. Letting the most authoritative figure speak first and foremost helps to breed agreement and unity. However, even if you don’t agree with one of your leaders publically speaking against them is dishonorable and arrogant. We must use more wisdom when dealing with our leaders by being more respectful and courteous. It is very true that God can get a message to someone else without using us directly simply because they too have a relationship with God. So be humble and patient by waiting until it is your turn to speak and/or be content to listen to others rather than being compelled to say something (sharing your “opinion”). We have watched this over the years and concluded that only the humble are temperate enough to keep their mouth shut during a time of general conversation or debate. The third item Elihu did was bring God on the scene. We know that magnifying God brings God on the scene and we also know expounding the truths of God’s Word also brings God on the scene. The reason we are stating that Elihu brought God on the scene is because it wasn’t until Job 38 that the Lord shows up to answer Job’s questions right after Elihu’s discourse on the goodness and faithfulness of God. Notice, also that Job’s other counsels who shared thoughts about God did not bring Job peace but rather more confusion and strife which hinders God from manifesting His Presence. Elihu’s “opinion” was consistent with God’s Heart (His Nature) so it is always better for us to have the mind of Christ rather than just the wisdom of men. We, as beloved children of God, ought to bring God’s love and knowledge into whatever troubling conversation we are a part of. Thus, having an “opinion” that is built upon the Word of God is good, solid and righteous in God’s Eyes. When we are speaking as the oracles of God God Himself will show up to manifest His Own agreement with His Holy Word. Remember Mark 16:20 states, “And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.” This means all “opinions” should be judged to know the measurement of God’s Word. This test of godliness would probably remove many idle and evil “opinions” in the world and that is OK because the truth is when our minds are renewed according Romans 12:2 our earthly “opinions” will align properly with God’s Heavenly “Opinions” which mean we will truly be one with God. So in summary first purpose to keep your tongue by practicing silence in the midst of group conversations with others, secondly give proper place to age and authority because both should be heard first before you even think about uttering your voice and finally speak God’s Holy Word’s in line with what God has already spoken because then you can be assured of bringing God on the scene because the truth is, “It is always better for man to hear from God, rather than just hearing from mere men. Remember, your “opinion” has weight, purpose and power so use it unto God’s Glory in Jesus Name and don’t let it be trampled under the feet of ungodly men. Amen!